Tulsa InstallFest = Tons of fun
A big thanks goes out to Chris Koenig and the Tulsa DNUG for hosting the Tulsa InstallFest on 12/3/2007. Several of us from Northwest Arkansas .Net User Group traveled over there and participated in the fun. A big shoutout to Jay Smith for volunteering and driving us over there.
Both Jay and I helped Chris register people for the event and I enjoyed getting to see some people I haven’t seen in a while from the Tulsa DNUG.
Whatever Chris Koenig says about his drumming skills in Rock Band, DON’T BELIEVE HIM! He definitely showed me up.
Important Links:
Chris’s blog posting on the event: http://blogs.msdn.com/chkoenig/archive/2007/12/04/tulsa-installfest-was-awesome.aspx
Jay’s blog posting on the event: http://www.jaysmith.us/Home/tabid/101/EntryID/43/Default.aspx
Tulsa DNUG: www.tulsadnug.org
NWA DNUG: www.nwadnug.org
Thanks to Buddy Lindsey for taking Pictures: http://buddylindsey.com/Blog/post/2007/12/Installfest-Tulsa.aspx
Note that the registration site to get your free Visual Studio 2008 Pro license won’t be up until 12/12/07 per Chris’s blog posting.