Microsoft adCenter needs a workshop?
While I love Microsoft’s developer products, adCenter (Microsoft’s search advertising / pay per click) makes me want to hide in shame. See the email I received below.
I completely understand the desire of AdCenter to educate the masses, but do you really need a Workshop to get your customers to understand your product? Much less, require them to PAY to attend? Sure you might be giving a 50% credit towards advertising, but why would I pay to attend? That’s not the way to get customers to move from Google to AdCenter.
Why not give FREE online advertising and search engine seminars all across the U.S., not just 3 select cities. Use the same principles that built up the developer community like the MSDN Events.

Dear Randy:

Are your pay per click Microsoft® adCenter campaigns performing as well as they should be? We know that it can be challenging to manage your campaigns and maximize your return on investments (ROIs). Not to worry, we have just the workshop you need to learn all the secrets successful search advertisers already know.

At the **adCenter Competitive Advantage workshop**, you can learn how to optimize your adCenter search campaigns for better results. In just a few hours, we can help you get your search marketing campaign on the road to a higher ROI.

**The workshop will be led by premier search marketing innovator Mary O’Brien.** She’s an independent search marketing expert who literally wrote the book on the subject. She’ll cover it all—from choosing targeted keywords to creating ads that sell to tracking the results.

_**[Register now]( and receive a credit of up to $100 toward your adCenter account by attending the workshops!*** Be sure to enter offer code **ROAD00**._

Three workshop locations to choose from:

**New York June 17, 2008** Doubletree Metropolitan

**Los Angeles June 19, 2008** Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles

**Chicago July 1, 2008** Hyatt Lodge at McDonald’s Campus

Two sessions offered: Choose one or attend both!

**Morning Session: Pay Per Click Essentials for Beginners**

**Microsoft adCenter Essentials:** Discover the best way to organize your campaigns. Learn common search marketing terms
**Keywords Strategies:** Develop strategies that maximize your advertising budget
**Creating Effective Ad Copy:** Master the art of crafting messages that turns clickers into customers
**Account Navigation:** Take a tour of the full adCenter toolkit, and learn how to maximize the pulling power of the assets in your account

**Afternoon Session: Pay Per Click Power Strategies for Advanced Users**

**Tracking Results:** Identify ads and keywords that really work, and learn to improve those that don’t
**Advanced Targeting:** Find out how precision consumer targeting from adCenter can focus your campaigns on your most valuable customer segments
**Advanced Bidding Options:** Become the master of better bidding, including CPM bidding, optimizing budgets, and positioning preference tools
**New Tools Outlook:** Find out about our new Microsoft adCenter Desktop Beta and our Add-In tool for Microsoft Office Excel® 2007

Limited-time offer.

**Beginner** Morning Session – $99\. [Register]( now and receive $50 credit toward your adCenter account.*

**Advanced** Afternoon Session – $99\. [Register]( now and receive $50 in credit toward your adCenter account.*

**Best Value:** Full-Day Session – $149\. [Register]( now and receive $100 in free credit toward your adCenter account clicks.*

Space is limited, so don’t wait to register. Simply go to our [registration page]( and enter your Customer ID 68883 and the offer code **ROAD00** to receive your adCenter account credit.

Questions about the workshop or accommodations? Please call **(800) 507-2958, ext. 702.**

Make pay per click pay off for you. [Register]( for the workshop today!


The Microsoft adCenter Team

Register Now

_**Receive a credit of up to $100 toward your adCenter account by attending the workshops!*** Be sure to enter offer code **ROAD00**. [Register now](