Catching people up

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged.  I suppose sometimes when one’s personal life gets busy, there are some things that fall by the wayside.  So what all has happened since I last blogged?

Business has been good with lots of lessons learned.  I had hoped I would have had an important announcement several months ago concerning the business I own, but that simply hasn’t materialized yet. Will keep everyone posted.  Ensuring your business has a good sales pipeline and stays ahead in the technology curve is extremely important.

I eventually resigned my INETA Board of Directors position.  Never one to mince words, frankly I had several issues with how things are run at INETA.  Mostly centered around some ethical issues compounded by higher expectations and what I felt was a lack of support.  I had put my hat into the ring in order to help change things, but eventually I didn’t really see change a possibility, and so all things must come to an end.

I have started writing up a new business plan for a new startup, details to be forthcoming.  It’s new name will be Linker CRM.  I have some aggressive game changing plans ahead for it.  Ping me if you’re interested in finding out more information and don’t mind signing a non-compete and confidentiality agreement. ;)

My personal life, has been hectic.  A 4 year old will do that to you.  As well as being divorced and the headaches associated with that.  If you’ve been divorced, I feel your pain, if you haven’t been, I would never wish the emotional roller coaster ride on anyone.  Dating has been interesting.  It’s a lot different at age 35 than your early 20s and relationships are far more complicated.

Ethan is an absolutely fantastic adorable charmer of a kid.  He’s definitely going to be a heartbreaker.  His personality is really shining through and he’s taken onto my appreciation of music (and yes I’ll admit dance too).  We watched America’s Best Dance Crew (ABDC) together for the first time, he really loved it and I think he’ll probably start his own break dancing crew eventually.  I’ve posted a few videos on Facebook for those interested.  I’m extremely proud of him, but please say a little prayer for us as we try and continue to curb some behavior issues, as well as his mother and I try to settle some differences.

This year’s travel plans have already included Dallas, Seattle, and a trip to Vancouver for the 2010 Olympics (a huge thanks to the Washington State Police for the nice souvenir they gave me).  Future travel plans include a trip to Korea in the 2nd half of May, Nashville again in the summer, and hopefully New Orleans for the Microsoft TechEd 2010 Conference.

Look for some new blog posts soon …

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About Randy Walker

Randy is an entrepreneur, software developer, amateur photographer, speaker and influencer.

Bentonville, Arkansas