Springtime depressions - You have value and worth
For most of us, springtime is exciting. The warm weather and the sun puts us in a better mood and makes us want to venture out into the world. But as I am so familiar with, many people out there reach a critical mass and enter an almost depressive state during springtime. Over the past few weeks, I’ve had many (over 5) close friends reach out about the tough times they are going through. Each one expressing a loss of self worth and value due to a failure in a relationship. For some it was a poor parental figure, others a failed marriage, some a significant other who treated them poorly, and even some with a lack of a significant other or enough quality relationships.
But if there’s anything I want you, my friends and readers to know.
You are beautiful. You have value. You have worth. You are loved.
With this, I leave you three videos (and if you’ve read any of my posts, you’ll know that I’m a music fanatic). The first is a song that I hope will stir your heart. The second explains the meaning and the reason the first song was created, and if you don’t know of what he’s talking of, please ask me. The last and third video is a song that I hope builds you up.
If you ever need encouragement or a friend to talk to, never hesitate to call me, it’s always good to have someone to talk to, take it from someone who’s been there .